Learn my Linux Bootcamp…all from within a web browser window

I awoke yesterday to see a lot of twitter notifications on my phone. Sometimes this happens when I've written a post on this blog, but I hadn't added anything for over a week. Turns out that the activity was triggered by this tweet by Richard Smith-Unna (@blahah404 on twitter):

As the screenshot below indicates, Richard has worked some amazing black magic to enable a single browser window to contain a fully interactive terminal as well as a file viewer/navigator; all alongside a (slightly modified) version of my original Linux bootcamp material.

Click to enlarge

This new interactive command-line bootcamp is a wonderful resource and means that the only barrier to learning some simple, but powerful, Linux/Unix commands is the availability of a web browser.

Richard explains a little about how he put all of this together:

The Infrastructure, including adventure-time and docker-browser-server, was built by @maxogden and @mafintosh. The setup of this app was based on the get-dat adventure.